How to Start Your Business Year Strong

How to Start Your Business Year Strong It has been a tough couple of years for many small businesses, but, as the adage goes, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Small businesses that survived the challenges of 2020 and 2021—the worst pandemic in US history, a nationwide labor shortage, supply chain volatility, and rising […]
Hobby or Business: What Factors Does the IRS Consider?

Hobby or Business: What Factors Does the IRS Consider? There are some activities we engage in outside of work strictly for personal reasons, with no thought of ever profiting from them. You might, for example, enjoy photography, hiking on the weekends, or collecting classic records. There is no monetary gain—and no expectation of making a […]
Most Common Tax Deductions for Small Businesses

Most Common Tax Deductions for Small Businesses There are many expenses incurred in starting, running, and growing a business. Luckily for business owners, many of these expenses can be deducted. Knowing which expenses you can deduct helps to lower your tax burden and keep more money in your business. However, inflated business tax deductions can […]
Complying With Estimated Quarterly Taxes

Complying With Estimated Quarterly Taxes Tax day is one of the most important—and one of the most dreaded—days on the calendar for working Americans. Although April 15 is usually the date that federal taxes are due, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) extended the tax deadline in 2019 and 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. During […]
Navigating COVID-19 Religious Exemption Requests in an HR Department

Navigating COVID-19 Religious Exemption Requests in an HR Department “The task before HR leaders is tricky: they have to figure out whether employees are applying for an exemption based on authentic religious beliefs or whether it’s a cover for their political views. “There are people who are going to have a sincerely held religious belief, […]