Trademark + Intellectual Property Law
Protecting Your Intellectual Property
At Enoch Tarver, our goal is to protect our clients – and their businesses or brands. Registering your Trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), a State Trademark Office, or even internationally provides certain legal protections for your brand and guards against counterfeits, fraud and confusion as to who or where the goods/services are actually originating. Our legal experts can guide you through the process and help ensure you are properly safeguarded.
Copyright is a type of intellectual property that protects original works of authorship as soon as the author puts the work into a tangible form such as a painting, photograph, composition, sound recording, book, movie, computer program, recipe, and so much more. Federal Copyright law provides owners with some exclusive rights including the right to distribute the work by rental, lease or lending, the right to perform the work publicly, the right to authorize others to exercise certain exclusive rights over that work, subject to some statutory limitations, and the right to statutory damages for using your work without your permission.

While Proprietary, Trade Secret, and Confidential information are all separate and distinct concepts, they encompass corporate intellectual property that provide a company with a competitive edge. Identifying which applies to your company, classifying each, and effectively protecting this information is paramount to maintaining your company’s competitive advantage.
Equally important is ensuring that our clients understand and avoid infringing on another person or entity’s intellectual property rights. When inadvertent infringement occurs, we are here to assist our clients in responding to claims of infringement and negotiating resolutions in our clients’ best interests.
Our experts at Enoch Tarver understand how to protect your property by applying the law, working with the various state and federal agencies, and creating effective contracts.