Considerations before Becoming a Minority Owner

Becoming a minority owner in a business can give you the opportunity to help a business grow and share in its success without the management responsibilities. Minority owners may be brought in to facilitate growth, perform acquisitions, or achieve other strategic goals and often provide valuable expertise in addition to the capital investment they make […]

How to Keep Your LLC in Good Standing

Starting a limited liability company (LLC) takes a lot of work. Before you serve your first customer or fulfill your first order, it is important to complete the initial business formation process. Although starting a business is a significant achievement, small business owners cannot coast on past accomplishments. You must look to the future and […]

Friend or Foe? How to Protect Your Business During Collaborative Projects

Standing out in today’s crowded digital marketplace requires business owners to think creatively about brands. Customer attention is a limited commodity that all brands compete for. But there may be opportunities to partner with other brands to gain consumer attention and loyalty. Brand collaboration, or co-branding, is a strategic advertising and marketing partnership between two […]