Ed Enoch of Enoch Tarver PC, Politics in the Workplace

Ed Enoch of Enoch Tarver PC, talks about political speech in the workplace and what is allowed. https://augustaceo.com/video/2024/05/ed-enoch-enoch-tarver-pc-politics-workplace/
Rachel Ray of Enoch Tarver PC, Common Law Trademark Rights

Rachel Ray of Enoch Tarver PC talks about common law trademark rights and the benefits of registering your trademarks with the appropriate state or federal agency. https://augustaceo.com/video/2024/03/rachel-ray-enoch-tarver-pc-common-law-trademark-rights/
Ed Enoch of Enoch Tarver PC, New Government Regulations

Ed Enoch of Enoch Tarver PC talks about new government regulations and how they may impact your business. https://augustaceo.com/video/2024/03/ed-enoch-enoch-tarver-pc-new-government-regulations/
Cannabis: Does Your Business Need to Update Its Policies and Practices?

Over the last few decades, marijuana (aka cannabis) laws across the United States have become increasingly more permissive. In 1996, California was the first state to allow medicinal cannabis.[1] In 2012, Colorado and Washington approved legal recreational cannabis.[2] Thirty-eight states and the District of Columbia permit medical-use marijuana, and 24 states have legalized recreational marijuana.[3] […]