How to End Your LLC

When you started your limited liability company (LLC), the last thing you probably had on your mind was ending it. Many LLCs are created for specific purposes, however, and when that purpose has been served, its members may think about winding up the company. LLCs may also terminate due to member retirement, conflict, or death; […]

Legal Considerations As You Ramp Up Your Cybersecurity

The internet has been a game changer for small businesses, allowing them to reach new markets, hire nonlocal talent, and compete with larger companies. Not having an online presence where customers can discover and interact with your business is now almost unthinkable. You may also have remote team members and vendor partners that are vital […]

What You Need to Know about Articles of Organization

The limited liability company (LLC) is a popular entity structure among small business owners that provides governance and taxation flexibility and shields personal assets from business liabilities. To enjoy the benefits and legal protections of an LLC, however, owners must register their company with the state by filing articles of organization (sometimes called a certification […]

What You Need to Know about Articles of Organization

The limited liability company (LLC) is a popular entity structure among small business owners that provides governance and taxation flexibility and shields personal assets from business liabilities. To enjoy the benefits and legal protections of an LLC, however, owners must register their company with the state by filing articles of organization (sometimes called a certification […]

Pass-Through Taxation: What You Need to Know

Most US businesses have a pass-through taxation structure: they are not subject to corporate tax. Instead, they have their income “pass through” to their owners to be taxed on their individual income tax returns. Pass-through businesses have simpler filing and a lower tax rate than C corporations because they avoid double taxation. Pass-through business owners […]

What to Know about Limited Liability As You Grow Your Business

Starting a business involves a certain amount of inherent risk. There are no guarantees that the founders of a company will get along, a product or service will sell, or market conditions or competitors will not create unforeseen problems. While entrepreneurs must be willing to take a leap of faith, there are steps they can […]

The Sole Proprietorship: Pros and Cons

Transitioning from being an employee to being self-employed is a goal of many American workers, and a growing number of workers have realized their goal in the wake of pandemic-related economic disruptions. Individuals often cite taking control of their career as a top motivating factor for being self-employed. Self-employment frequently starts as a side hustle […]

The Sole Proprietorship: Pros and Cons

Transitioning from being an employee to being self-employed is a goal of many American workers, and a growing number of workers have realized their goal in the wake of pandemic-related economic disruptions. Individuals often cite taking control of their career as a top motivating factor for being self-employed. Self-employment frequently starts as a side hustle […]

Business Continuity Plans: What You Need to Know

The COVID-19 pandemic served as a major wake-up call to businesses that operational threats can emerge anytime. If downtime lasts more than a few days, the chances that a business will fail are high. Yet many companies have no business continuity plan. Business continuity planning helps restore critical functions to normal operations in the wake […]