Considerations for Forming a Limited Liability Company for Real Estate
For individuals who own real estate, it is important to consider the best way to structure your ownership. When you are just starting out as an investor in real estate, you may hold title to the real estate personally, but that may not be the most advantageous method of ownership. Another option is to create […]
Why Your LLC Needs an Operating Agreement
Congratulations! You have decided to form a limited liability company (LLC) to run your business. After completing your state formation process, your LLC needs to have the right documentation in place. An operating agreement, sometimes called a company agreement, is a legal document that describes and outlines how an LLC will run, and is an […]
What You Need to Know About Hiring Your First Contractor
Hiring workers is an important step for a business. A business owner is faced with a chicken-and-egg dilemma: Is it better to hire employees anticipating that the business will grow, or wait until the business has grown and then hire employees? When a business is starting out, a full-time employee may not be needed. Business […]
Key Considerations for Noncompete Agreements
Companies grow by investing time and money in various resources, including their employees. Yet business owners are often anxious about losing their investment, i.e., the time they spend training new hires and the confidential information they share with their new employees. Once confidential information is shared, there is a risk that an employee will leak […]
Understanding Payroll as an Employer
Congratulations! Your business has grown and you are ready to hire your first employee. Where do you begin? What will the employee’s schedule be and how much will the employee get paid? Will your new hire be an employee or an independent contractor—and what is the difference? Did the employee sign an employment agreement? Before […]
What You Need to Know About Buy-Sell Agreements
If you are a business owner, you probably worry about your bottom line, employee retention, and health insurance premiums, but have you also considered what will happen to your business if you are in an accident? What if your business partner gets divorced and your partner’s ex-spouse is awarded part ownership of the business and […]
Social Security Withholding Guidance
Relief with Respect to Employment Tax Deadlines Applicable to Employers Affected by the Ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) Disease 2019 Pandemic Notice 2020-65 On August 8, 2020, the President of the United States issued a Presidential Memorandum directing the Secretary of the Treasury (Secretary) to use his authority pursuant to section 7508A of the Internal Revenue Code (Code) to defer […]
Record Keeping Requirements for Business Owners During COVID-19
As state leaders attempt to develop guidelines for reopening safely, you may have questions about the requirements for maintaining a safe environment for your business. Specifically, you may be wondering how to document the steps you have taken if someone in your workforce is exposed to COVID-19 and tests positive for the virus. The Occupational […]
Georgia COVID-19 Pandemic Business Safety Act
What You Need to Know Effective August 5, 2020 Currently in effect through July 14, 2021 It is important for businesses to ensure they are taking appropriate measures to stop the spread of COVID-19. If your business finds itself facing legal claims that it is somehow responsible for a COVID infection or related injury, the […]
Navigating Periods of Uncertainty and Unrest as a Business Owner
Uncertainty and unrest have defined 2020. From COVID-19 and record-breaking unemployment to ideological, political, and societal conflicts, business owners have faced significant challenges to their survival and success. Regardless of their current political views or health and financial statuses, business leaders agree that they must navigate this time with care. The decisions that business owners […]