Releasing Liability: What You Should Know Before Your Business Uses a Release of Liability

Some activities are inherently risky. Visitors of certain types of businesses such as ski resorts, gyms, and amusement parks know there is a chance they could get injured when they engage in the activities those businesses offer. To protect themselves against potentially costly lawsuits, businesses can use a liability waiver to shift the risk from […]
Most Common DIY Contract Mistakes

Small business owners often wear many hats. On any given day, they might dabble in customer service, human resources, accounting, bookkeeping, and legal matters. Resilient, confident, and flexible by nature, entrepreneurs often welcome the challenge to learn new skills by working outside of their core competencies. But for some matters, not working with an experienced […]
How to Put Business Interests into a Trust

When forming your business, you may choose to structure it as a sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company (LLC), or corporation. Each type of structure offers different levels of asset protection and affects how much you pay in taxes. But owners can exert further control over their business—both while alive and after they pass away—by […]
How to Put Business Interests into a Trust

When forming your business, you may choose to structure it as a sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company (LLC), or corporation. Each type of structure offers different levels of asset protection and affects how much you pay in taxes. But owners can exert further control over their business—both while alive and after they pass away—by […]
How to Handle an Employee’s Injury on the Job

On-the-job injuries are an unfortunate reality for many employers. Every year, millions of employees suffer injuries and illnesses in the workplace. While some industries have a higher risk of harm than others, you can expect to deal with an injured worker at some point, even if your team works from the relative safety of an […]
How to Resolve Deadlocks in Your LLC

Membership in a limited liability company (LLC) may come with voting rights. Member voting rights are addressed in the LLC operating agreement, which typically provides that LLC members must vote on several issues that are material to the continuance of the business. A unanimous or majority vote may be required depending upon the nature of […]
Ed Tarver of Enoch Tarver Provides an Overview of the Firm’s Specialties

Click here to watch Ed Tarver of Enoch Tarver talk about the law firm’s professional service to small businesses and individuals in the CSRA.
Navigating Periods of Uncertainty and Unrest as a Business Owner

Uncertainty and unrest have defined 2020. From COVID-19 and record-breaking unemployment to ideological, political, and societal conflicts, business owners have faced significant challenges to their survival and success. Regardless of their current political views or health and financial statuses, business leaders agree that they must navigate this time with care. The decisions that business owners […]
Ed Tarver talks to Augusta CEO about His Most Memorable Case

Ed Tarver, Partner at Enoch Tarver Law Firm, talks to us about his most memorable cases and shares some interesting details. Check out the video interview here.
Ed Tarver talks with Augusta CEO

Enoch Tarver Law Firm Partner Ed Tarver talks to Augusta CEO about returning to Augusta after completing law school and gives details about his background in the legal community. Watch the video here: Ed Tarver Talks with Augusta CEO