Tag Archives: GA Law Firm

Can I Provide Services Instead of Capital to a New LLC?

Small business owners put their blood, sweat, and tears into ensuring the success of their [...]

How to Talk to Your Family About Business Succession

Benjamin Franklin famously quipped, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” From [...]

What Is a Business Succession Plan?

If you own a small business, developing your succession plan is a critical element of [...]

Benefits of Having Your Business Donate to Charity

Giving money to charity might seem counterintuitive to those running a for-profit company. However, it [...]

Five Considerations Before You Use a Payment Demand Letter

As a business owner, it is almost guaranteed that you will encounter some variation of [...]

How Do I Obtain a Business Loan?

How Do I Obtain a Business Loan? Small businesses are the backbone of the US [...]

Mixed Response from Businesses After SCOTUS Ruling on Vaccine Mandates

Mixed Response from Businesses After SCOTUS Ruling on Vaccine Mandates On Thursday, January 13, 2022, [...]

What Is a Promissory Note and When Should I Use One?

What Is a Promissory Note and When Should I Use One? You have probably heard [...]

Financing a Business: Evaluating Your Options

Financing a Business: Evaluating Your Options Financing is the lifeblood of a business. During good [...]

What Is a Business Grant and How Do I Obtain One?

What Is a Business Grant and How Do I Obtain One? A business grant is [...]