How Do I Obtain a Business Loan?

How Do I Obtain a Business Loan? Small businesses are the backbone of the US economy, accounting for nearly half of the country’s economic activity, creating two-thirds of new jobs, and driving innovation—and business loans are the backbone of small business growth. Lenders provided over $644 billion in small business loans in 2019, according to […]

Mixed Response from Businesses After SCOTUS Ruling on Vaccine Mandates

Mixed Response from Businesses After SCOTUS Ruling on Vaccine Mandates On Thursday, January 13, 2022, the Supreme Court’s ruling blocked President Joe Biden’s vaccine-or-testing mandate for large employers. Meanwhile, the Covid-19 omicron variant caused various business owners to question if this was truly a wise, timely decision after all. _____ “Ed Enoch, partner at the […]

What Is a Promissory Note and When Should I Use One?

What Is a Promissory Note and When Should I Use One? You have probably heard the term promissory note, but do you understand what a promissory note is and when one can and should be used? A promissory note is simply a written promise to repay someone who has loaned you money. More specifically, it […]

Financing a Business: Evaluating Your Options

Financing a Business: Evaluating Your Options Financing is the lifeblood of a business. During good times, business financing can help entrepreneurs purchase assets, expand products and services, add a new location, and hire more staff. During more difficult times, business owners may require financing just to continue their current operations. A business may also be […]

What Is a Business Grant and How Do I Obtain One?

What Is a Business Grant and How Do I Obtain One? A business grant is a form of financial assistance given to a company by a government agency or private organization for a specific purpose. Grants, unlike loans, do not need to be paid back. Despite this benefit, finding a grant that your business qualifies […]

What to Know Before Investing in a Small Business

What to Know Before Investing in a Small Business With the country emerging from pandemic lockdowns and economic activity beginning to expand, small business owners are optimistic about the future. Supporting local businesses can help them grow and thrive in a post-pandemic economy. But what if you could help a business while also helping yourself? […]

How to Start Your Business Year Strong

How to Start Your Business Year Strong It has been a tough couple of years for many small businesses, but, as the adage goes, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Small businesses that survived the challenges of 2020 and 2021—the worst pandemic in US history, a nationwide labor shortage, supply chain volatility, and rising […]

Hobby or Business: What Factors Does the IRS Consider?

Hobby or Business: What Factors Does the IRS Consider? There are some activities we engage in outside of work strictly for personal reasons, with no thought of ever profiting from them. You might, for example, enjoy photography, hiking on the weekends, or collecting classic records. There is no monetary gain—and no expectation of making a […]

Most Common Tax Deductions for Small Businesses

Most Common Tax Deductions for Small Businesses There are many expenses incurred in starting, running, and growing a business. Luckily for business owners, many of these expenses can be deducted. Knowing which expenses you can deduct helps to lower your tax burden and keep more money in your business. However, inflated business tax deductions can […]