Noncompete Agreements: How Solid Is Yours?

Noncompete Agreements: How Solid Is Yours? There are many misconceptions and assumptions regarding the use and effectiveness of noncompete agreements. This is not too surprising considering that judicial enforcement of these agreements is very fact-intensive and situation-specific. There are no bright-line rules to help business owners determine whether a noncompete agreement will be enforceable, so […]
What Is a Nonsolicitation Agreement, and Should I Use One?

What Is a Nonsolicitation Agreement, and Should I Use One? You have invested a lot of time and money in developing your employee, customer, and vendor relationships. You cannot stop your employees from walking out the door, but you may be able to limit their ability to take other employees and business relationships with them. […]
What to Include In Your Service Agreement

What to Include In Your Service Agreement Small businesses account for nearly half of the economic activity in the United States. To successfully compete with bigger competitors, small businesses are increasingly outsourcing to improve their efficiency and lower costs. Outsourcing allows companies to expand their competencies in key areas without taking on additional full-time, in-house […]
The Dangers of DIY Contracts

The Dangers of DIY Contracts Contracts are an essential component of effective business management and development. Savvy business owners recognize the value of contracts but often explore ways to reduce the cost of obtaining them. In some instances, business owners attempt to create their own contracts by using templates available online. However, creating […]