Who owns the LinkedIn account?

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and the like continue to be the “Wild Wild West” of privacy decisions. The link below sumarizes recent cases around the county concerning social media. The decisions in this link reinforce the idea that social media, even with privacy settings, is not considered truly private.  For employers, these cases also raise the […]

No Way Out

I frequently talk to my clients, particularly small business owners, about the need to have an estate plan.  Taking that theme one step further, business owners need to have an exit strategy. I am currently working with a couple of clients on succession planning. Many more businesses I represent need this planning, but have not […]

Department of Labor Announces New Minimum Salary Requirements

The Fair Labor Standards Act requires employers to pay employees overtime at a rate of 1 ½ times their normal hourly rate. However, employers can exempt certain categories of employees from the overtime requirement if they fit into an exempt job classification. The Department of Labor (DOL) sets minimum salary levels required to meet this […]