Gifts That Keep Giving: Tax Considerations for Business Gift-Giving

As the holiday season approaches, gift-giving is on the minds of many business owners. But there are reasons why a business owner may want to give gifts to workers and clients throughout the year and not just during the holidays. Whether to recognize a job well done, boost employee morale, or solidify client relationships, monetary […]
Most Common DIY Contract Mistakes

Small business owners often wear many hats. On any given day, they might dabble in customer service, human resources, accounting, bookkeeping, and legal matters. Resilient, confident, and flexible by nature, entrepreneurs often welcome the challenge to learn new skills by working outside of their core competencies. But for some matters, not working with an experienced […]
Should You Form More Than One LLC for Your Business?

There is no law that limits the number of LLCs an entrepreneur can own. Forming multiple LLCs may make sense under certain circumstances: for example, companies that have several rental properties, separate businesses with common ownership, or when one business makes more money or has more assets than the others. Separate business entities may also […]
Ed Enoch of Enoch Tarver PC, New Federal Regulations

Ed Enoch of Enoch Tarver PC explains the federal changes in overtime rules and non-compete agreements.
Rachel Ray of Enoch Tarver PC, Getting the Most Out of Your Business Contracts

Rachel Ray of Enoch Tarver PC gives a few tips to help small businesses navigate contracts.
Ed Enoch of Enoch Tarver PC, Employment Law Changes

Ed Enoch of Enoch Tarver PC talks about a few changes happening in employment law and why it so important for your business to stay up to date.
Rachel Ray of Enoch Tarver PC, Common Law Trademark Rights

Rachel Ray of Enoch Tarver PC talks about common law trademark rights and the benefits of registering your trademarks with the appropriate state or federal agency.
Cannabis: Does Your Business Need to Update Its Policies and Practices?

Over the last few decades, marijuana (aka cannabis) laws across the United States have become increasingly more permissive. In 1996, California was the first state to allow medicinal cannabis.[1] In 2012, Colorado and Washington approved legal recreational cannabis.[2] Thirty-eight states and the District of Columbia permit medical-use marijuana, and 24 states have legalized recreational marijuana.[3] […]
Selling Your Business to an Outsider

You have spent years building your business, but at some point, the time will come for you to sell the company and exit. While many business owners choose to keep the company in the family, that is not always realistic. Family members may not have the interest or skills needed to run the business. In […]
Record Keeping for Your Business: What’s Required?

Whether you are just starting up a new company or have a business that has been in operation for a while, good record keeping is an essential part of running your business. You are responsible for establishing an effective system to store and maintain your business records whether your small business is a sole proprietorship, […]