Category Archives: Human Resources

Ed Enoch of Enoch Tarver PC, Politics in the Workplace

Ed Enoch of Enoch Tarver PC, talks about political speech in the workplace and what [...]

Record Keeping for Your Business: What’s Required?

Whether you are just starting up a new company or have a business that has [...]

Hiring Family Members to Work for Your Business

The decision to hire family members for your business is a delicate balancing act that [...]

AI and Hiring: What You Need to Know to Avoid Liability

Artificial intelligence (AI) is arguably the most transformative technology since the advent of the internet. [...]

Managing Business Relationships

Americans have a “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” mentality that speaks to our individualism [...]

Using ChatGPT: Benefits and Risks for Businesses

No technology in recent memory has generated more hype, both positive and negative, than ChatGPT. [...]

What You Need to Know About Paying Employees

Employees are essential to your small business. Hiring and retaining workers is one of the [...]

Developing a Paid Time-Off Policy

Americans are known for putting in long hours with little rest, which can lead to [...]

Hiring Gig Workers to Expand Your Business

The nature of work is changing. Gone are the days when employees stayed with one [...]

How to Handle an Employee’s Injury on the Job

On-the-job injuries are an unfortunate reality for many employers. Every year, millions of employees suffer [...]