Name, Image, and Likeness: How to Protect Your Right to You

Creating a personal brand can be a way to establish an authentic image and stand out from the crowd. For most people, personal branding is a communications strategy rather than a career path. A carefully cultivated personal brand lets people know at a glance who we are, what we stand for, and the value we […]

Ed Tarver on Resolving Legal Disputes

Ed Tarver talks about the importance of retaining counsel when needing to dispute a matter as opposed to trying to do it yourself.

How Your Lawyer Can Support Business Wellness in 2023

January is when we turn the calendar ahead to a new year that is full of hope and fresh opportunities. Recognized as Financial Wellness Month, January is an ideal time to set business goals for the upcoming calendar year. Achieving business wellness in 2023 can go a long way toward improving your overall physical health. […]

How Your Lawyer Can Support Business Wellness in 2023

January is when we turn the calendar ahead to a new year that is full of hope and fresh opportunities. Recognized as Financial Wellness Month, January is an ideal time to set business goals for the upcoming calendar year. Achieving business wellness in 2023 can go a long way toward improving your overall physical health. […]

Rachel Ray of Enoch Tarver on Contracts

Rachel Ray Esq. of Enoch Tarver talks about the dangers of doing business on a handshake. She talks about all the areas of interactions that require details that a contract or an agreement would be in order.

How to Prepare Your Business for the Next Year

The beginning of the year is a time to reflect and refocus on what you want to achieve over the next twelve months. Optimally, entrepreneurs spent part of December on small business housekeeping tasks that helped them finish the year strong, and at the beginning of January, they prioritize setting themselves up to look ahead […]