Ed Enoch of Enoch Tarver PC, New Government Regulations

Ed Enoch of Enoch Tarver PC talks about new government regulations and how they may impact your business. https://augustaceo.com/video/2024/03/ed-enoch-enoch-tarver-pc-new-government-regulations/
Cannabis: Does Your Business Need to Update Its Policies and Practices?

Over the last few decades, marijuana (aka cannabis) laws across the United States have become increasingly more permissive. In 1996, California was the first state to allow medicinal cannabis.[1] In 2012, Colorado and Washington approved legal recreational cannabis.[2] Thirty-eight states and the District of Columbia permit medical-use marijuana, and 24 states have legalized recreational marijuana.[3] […]
Selling Your Business to an Outsider

You have spent years building your business, but at some point, the time will come for you to sell the company and exit. While many business owners choose to keep the company in the family, that is not always realistic. Family members may not have the interest or skills needed to run the business. In […]
How to Protect Your Business from a Data Breach

The risk of suffering a data breach has never been higher. Small businesses are three times more likely than larger businesses to be targeted by cybercriminals.[1] The costs of a cyberattack, both in terms of financial and reputational damage, can be devastating to small businesses. Many business owners are aware of the risks of a […]
Record Keeping for Your Business: What’s Required?

Whether you are just starting up a new company or have a business that has been in operation for a while, good record keeping is an essential part of running your business. You are responsible for establishing an effective system to store and maintain your business records whether your small business is a sole proprietorship, […]
Hiring Family Members to Work for Your Business

The decision to hire family members for your business is a delicate balancing act that involves both personal and professional considerations. Working with loved ones can create a sense of trust and unity within the workplace and has been shown to increase business resiliency. However, mixing family and business may create challenges as familial dynamics […]
The Annual Meeting: What Every Corporation (and Many Limited Liability Companies) Should Know

All registered corporations are required by law to hold an annual meeting. Limited liability companies (LLCs), although not subject to the same statutory requirement, may hold regular meetings in accordance with their governing documents. What Is the Purpose of a Corporation’s Annual Meeting? In the United States, all corporations must hold an annual shareholder meeting […]
CTA Imposes New Small Business Reporting Requirements for 2024

Small business owners will have one more item on their compliance to-do list when the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) takes effect next year. The CTA,[1] enacted as part of the Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2020 (AMLA), places new reporting requirements on many business entities in an effort to expose illegal activities, including the use of […]
Managing Business Relationships

Americans have a “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” mentality that speaks to our individualism and enterprising spirit. This mindset is especially pronounced among business owners, who have chosen to forego the typical employment route in favor of creating their own enterprise Independence is relative in the business world, however. Businesses involve complex, interconnected webs […]
How to Prepare Your Business for an Economic Slowdown

Financial winter is coming. Or is it? Despite renewed optimism that the US economy can avoid a deep downturn, economists say the chances of a recession in 2024 are still about even. Small businesses are feeling the pain from high inflation, declining consumer confidence, and other economic headwinds. Whether we officially enter a recession in […]