Tag Archives: Employment Law

Legal Considerations in the Hiring Process

You are probably aware of employment laws that could create liabilities if your company fails [...]

Ed Enoch of Enoch Tarver Law Firm Talks About Their Business Checkup Service

Ed Enoch is a partner at Enoch Tarver Law Firm. He talks about their business [...]

Ed Tarver of Enoch Tarver Provides an Overview of the Firm’s Specialties

Click here to watch Ed Tarver of Enoch Tarver talk about the law firm’s professional [...]

Can (and Should) My Business Mandate the COVID-19 Vaccine for Employees?

Can (and Should) My Business Mandate the COVID-19 Vaccine for Employees? Just a year ago, [...]

Staying on Track: What Every Employer Should Know About Tracking a Remote Employee’s Time

Staying on Track: What Every Employer Should Know About Tracking a Remote Employee’s Time   [...]

What You Need to Know about Hiring Virtual Workers for Your Small Business

What You Need to Know about Hiring Virtual Workers for Your Small Business   As [...]

Retirement Updates Amid COVID-19

Retirement Updates Amid COVID-19   On May 4, 2020, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) published [...]

Does an Employee Handbook Create a Contractual Obligation?

Does an Employee Handbook Create a Contractual Obligation?   Every business with at least one [...]

Does My Employment Agreement Protect My Business?

Does My Employment Agreement Protect My Business?     Employment agreements are essential to protect [...]

How to Legally Terminate an Employee

How to Legally Terminate an Employee   Almost all business owners eventually must make the [...]