Ed Enoch of Enoch Tarver Talks About Estate and Succession Planning

Listen as Ed Enoch talks about succession planning and specific steps companies need to take to ensure the business continues uninterrupted. Check it out on Augusta CEO!
Can I Provide Services Instead of Capital to a New LLC?

Small business owners put their blood, sweat, and tears into ensuring the success of their company, which, though difficult to measure, are no less valuable than capital contributions. At the same time, if you are investing your time and energy into a limited liability company (LLC), you should establish a method of valuation for your […]
How to Talk to Your Family About Business Succession

Benjamin Franklin famously quipped, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” From the very beginning, you had a plan for your business to succeed. You set goals and developed methods to achieve those goals. Your business has stood the test of time because you anticipated problems and solved them. But if your […]
What Is a Business Succession Plan?

If you own a small business, developing your succession plan is a critical element of business planning. Many business owners fail to appreciate the complexities and time involved in successfully transitioning a business. Entangled in the day-to-day management of their companies, they neglect this essential element of business planning to their detriment. Transitions in business […]
What Is a Business Succession Plan?

If you own a small business, developing your succession plan is a critical element of business planning. Many business owners fail to appreciate the complexities and time involved in successfully transitioning a business. Entangled in the day-to-day management of their companies, they neglect this essential element of business planning to their detriment. Transitions in business […]
Benefits of Having Your Business Donate to Charity

Giving money to charity might seem counterintuitive to those running a for-profit company. However, it is important to keep in mind that charitable giving can not only make a big difference to the recipients of your generosity, but it can also provide a net gain to your business. In addition to the potential tax advantages […]
Why You Should Consider Putting Your LLC into a Trust

The limited liability company (LLC) is a popular business structure that offers liability protection and avoidance of double taxation. Trusts are popular asset transfer vehicles that allow you to avoid probate and keep assets out of the hands of creditors. By placing LLC membership interests in a trust, business owners can combine the two types […]
Five Considerations Before You Use a Payment Demand Letter

As a business owner, it is almost guaranteed that you will encounter some variation of the following scenario: You engaged a client and completed fantastic work. The products the client desired were delivered on time with practically no issues. To request the money the client agreed to pay you, you send an invoice or a […]
Key Person Insurance: What Is It and Do I Need It?

We protect what we value most with insurance. Car insurance and home insurance ensure that we can financially survive a major property loss. Life insurance pays money to beneficiaries after a death, acting as a financial lifeline to the deceased’s loved ones. Business insurance is a hedge against uncertain losses and unpredictable risks that companies […]
How to Protect Your Personal Assets as a Business Owner

As a small business owner who puts in long hours to build your enterprise, it can sometimes feel like there is no separation between your personal and professional lives. You are probably willing to make this sacrifice to build a company that reflects your values and vision. But without a comprehensive asset protection strategy, everything […]