Business Insurance: Protecting Your Business from Unexpected Losses

As a small business owner, you have invested large amounts of time and money to make your business a success. Business insurance protects this investment in the event of unexpected damage to property or lawsuits, which could otherwise be devastating to your business. There are many types of insurance available depending upon the nature of […]
Does Your Small Business Need a Social Media Policy?

According to 2018 data provided by SCORE, the largest provider of volunteer business mentors in the United States, 77% of U.S. small businesses use social media for their sales, marketing, and customer service. If you plan to use social media to promote your business, a social media policy is essential to protect your business’s reputation […]
Steps to Protect Your Small Business from Non-Paying Customers

Unfortunately, most businesses must deal with non-paying customers at least occasionally. You can safeguard the time and money you have invested in your small business by taking several steps, both to lessen the likelihood of nonpayment and to obtain the amount owed once a customer has failed to make a timely payment. Be Proactive Screen […]
What You Need to Know About Non-Compete Agreements for Your Employees

A small business that has invested substantial resources in developing a product or a customer base could be devastated if its employees then go to work for a competitor down the street or set up their own competing business. A noncompetition agreement is an important tool that could protect your business from former employees who […]
4 Reasons to Consider Changing Your Business Structure

As your small business expands and evolves, it may make sense to consider changing its structure. Many small businesses start out as sole proprietorships or partnerships, with only one or two owners and no employees. Over time, as your business grows and changes, a more complex business structure may become beneficial. There are several key […]
What is Trademark Law and Why is it Important?

Ed Enoch is the special guest on Law Call with Vic Hawk where he discusses trademark law and its importance. Check it out below: Click here to watch the full episode.
Legally Terminating Employees

Most small business owners will occasionally have to face the unpleasant task of firing an employee. Small businesses, in particular, rely heavily on each employee. An underperforming employee may not only lower the morale of other employees who have to pick up the slack, but may also jeopardize the success of the business. When an […]
Scuttlebiz: Auto auction giant sets sights on Augusta

“It is really quite a very uspcale, very nice facility,” Copart’s Augusta attorney Ed Enoch told the planning commission during its the June 3 meeting. “If you’ve seen pictures of what it looks like now, this would be a drastic improvement.” READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE.
Ed Enoch Receives Distinguished Citizen Award

Tuesday, May 14th, our very own, Ed Enoch received the Distinguished Citizen Award from the Boy Scouts of America, Creek River District. Ed has served with the Scouts for 10 years. His service to the Scouts and to his community is something Ed takes as seriously as his law practice! Our firm is very proud […]
Scouts Honor

I went to a meeting this morning where a consultant with a Ph.D. spent an hour explaining to HR professionals how to teach their bosses to build trust in their workplaces. Listening to this highly educated speaker, it occurred to me that everything we need to run a successful business I learned at the age […]